Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The New Limited Edition

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted. It's been a while since anything has been posted on this blog. I don't know what's up with Alessandra - I just hope she starts posting some more and doesn't close down the blog.
Anyway, to what this post is about, the new Limited Edition. It's been in stores for like two days now or something like that, but I wasn't on the computer most of yesterday and not at all the day before.
I really love this LE and, like always, wish I could buy at least one piece. But I'm also not going to waste all my stardollars on one or two items or clothing, when instead I could buy dozens.
This has got to be my favorite collection of LE so far and if Stardoll keeps it up I could only imagine how good the next collection will be.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Eccentric's September 2009 Issue

The September issue of Eccentric Magazine was released today. Vanessa (Star_Awards) has outdone herself once again. This issue of Eccentric was even better than the last one. This issue's very fierce and edgy covergirl was none other than the amazing graphics artist, Hunnigall. The graphics were really well done, the articles were kept short, simple, and yet sweet at the same time. This is definitely a must read magazine.

You can read Eccetric by clicking this link: http://eccentricmagazine.blogspot.com

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Bon Appétit Magazine

Another magazine coming to Stardoll very shortly is Bon Appetit Magazine - in October to be exact. Whether this magazine will be good or bad has yet to be seen, but either way it will go down in Stardoll history as the first gastronomy magazine, ever, on Stardoll. The concept does sound very nice, it's just carrying out the whole idea that needs to be done properly.
This magazine is brought to us by Ms.Brigitte and Theshinystar.

You can check out the magazine's official site here: http://bonappetitmagazine.wordpress.com/
And the official blog for the magazine here: http://stardollbonappetit.blogspot.com/

Friday, September 04, 2009

Different Magazine Spoiler

Pose: Amazing
Graphics: Perfect
Color Scheme: Wonderful
Over-All Effect: A spoiler that makes me unable to wait for the issue to be released. This is a magazine issue to anticipate for sure.