Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Time For My Good-Bye

It's come to my knowledge that I have NO time for this blog anymore. I don't think I had time for it in the first place, either. But that's another story, another time.
I'll try to keep this short and sweet for you all because I know that many peoples hate reading long posts that ramble stupid thoughts.
I'm quiting this blog. Yes, my own blog. BUT the blog will NOT be closing down.
I am handing it over to Arianna. She is a superb writer and has done a better job with this blog as I writer than I ever did as the owner.
I only hope she will have time and a bit of detication to keep this blog going.
Thank you to all the blogs, etc, that have posted about us or featured us - even if it's only a small mention. It means a lot to me.
Thank you to our very small fan base, unfourtunately it stayed small because I never put forth much effort to make this blog 'famous', but that could all change with Arianna as the new owner, she has impeciable talent and so forth.
And now, I must say good-bye XX