Saturday, November 14, 2009

Under New Ownership

If you read Alessandra's post you would know she has left the blog. And made me the new owner, and only writer. I've already made some changes to the blog, by giving in a slightly new look. And soon I'll be changing the banner I use when I make a post. I might be hiring some new writers, as well - as I don't think I can do this blog alone. I also want to add some regular posts that are featured once a week or something along the lines of that, but I still haven't decided what those posts will be about. I have a few other ideas I want to try out on a trial basis, but you wont find out about those untill later. I hope I can be a good owner, but I'm not making any promises. Also, thank you for 'Less for entrusting me enough to turn the blog over to me. That shows some true friendship and trust, there.